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President's Day Protest

President’s Day Protest

I am by nature an extrovert who hates rules and authority and so protests are my sweet spot.  I love to scream and carry on. BUTI DO think protests are very important.  I DO think they move the needle. 

Think back to the Women’s March in 2018.  That march brought the resistance into the consciousness of the entire country.  In fact, without those marches I am not sure there ever would have been a resistance.  Which means there might not have been a HODG – gasp!

I know everyone is tired -- me too! --  I also know there are no clear leaders right now.  And to be honest the Women’s March Organizers in 2018 were lousy leaders who turned out to be antisemitic, insecure power-grabbers.  

This time feels different.  We are wiser.  And things are worse.  There is more reason now than in 2018 to protest.  Trusck & Co are dismantling our democracy as I write this.  Every day they are chipping away.  And our leaders are doing next to nothing (I would say nothing but I’m not informed enough to know.)  If all of their constituents showed up in their state capitols and said WE WANT DEMOCRACY & WE WILL FIRE YOU IF YOU DON”T PROTECT OUR DEMOCRARCY!  They’d be scared out of their Ralph Laurne undies  and they’d do something.

AND it’s PRESIDENT’S WEEKEND.  George and Abe would want us to get out there and demand our leaders start leading.  (Ok, maybe they wouldn’t encourage the masses to do anything, but let’s do it for George and Abe anyway, because no matter what their foibles – and there were many – they were fucking rad! And we could use them right now.) So, with George and Abe and our country, and our children in mind, here are 2 upcoming protests I think we should all consider showing up for.


Monday, February 17
in your state capitol 
(Or any big city – LA has a protest)

3pm - 5pm
Los Angeles City Hall

200 N Spring St, DTLA

Organized by 50501 (50 states, 50 protests 1 movement)

Third Act

Rise and Resist

February 16


February 18

LA Homeless Count