Los Angeles Homeless Count
Here's how it works -- you and a friend or two drive to the "deployment area" where you will be given instructions how to count, and a turf. You go to the turf and assign jobs: One of you will be the counter, one of you will be the recorder and one will be the driver. And then you drive the turf. That's it.
I have only ever gone to the Hollywood Count, which is taking place on Feb 18 this year. But if that doesn't work for you, there are areas all over the city that are counting -- from MacArthur Park to Mar Vista to Sherman Oaks.
So here's what I rec: go to the website, sign up for the place and day you want. Then rope in a couple friends to join you. And thank you! I won't be able to do the count this year, but I am so glad you can!!
Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count
Tues Feb 18 - Wed Feb 19 - Thurs Feb 20.
All across LA.
Hollywood Area:
First Presbyterian Church
1760 N. Gower St.
(the are still 37 volunteers short)