Holiday Pajama Bags
A HODG Holiday Classic! We’ve been putting together PJ bags for the residents of Alexandria House – a transitional home for women and children – since HODG started. It’s super fun, especially for those of us who don’t have little ones to buy for anymore.
If you’d like to learn more details about what goes in the holiday bag and who you’ll be creating one for, please email HELEN at
Once you put your bag(s) together - drop off at Helen’s (Larchmont) or Peggy’s (Sherman Oaks) BY DEC 16.
And if you want to participate in delivering all the bags to Alexandria House, let us know.
(fun, but not required.)
Thank you so much for doing this with us. As I said, we’ve been doing this almost since HODG began. It brings the residents of Alexandria House a lot of joy. But brings us even more!
For Alexandria House
Give a bag of pj’s, slippers, etc. to
The Residents of Alexandria House
Interested? Email Helen at
Put (“PJ BAG” in subject line)