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Donate Thanksgiving Gift Cards

Donate a Gift Card to Alliance Middle School Families

Every Thanksgiving HODG provides grocery store gift cards to the students at Alliance Middle School #4 whose families need it most.  With these cards, these 30-50 students can spend the holiday enjoying a family dinner at home.  To that end, we are asking that anyone who can, donate a $35 gift card from Ralphs or Food4Less.  All cards should be dropped off, or mailed to Francine T (address below) by Thursday November 21. 

Alliance Middle School #4 is a TITLE 1 School, which means that at least 40% of its student body live  below the poverty line.  As I think I’ve mentioned before, Helen, Francine, Melissa and I toured the school.  It is a sad little place on the outside, but inside it is warm and full of heart.  What I loved most is how all the folks in the front office went to the school!  That says a lot, no?  That they wanted to come back!

Most, if not all, of these children are from immigrant families.  I have no idea what percentage are documented, but I bet you a lot are not.  I imagine that many of them are scared to bits by the possibility of what lies ahead in this country.  Or you know what, maybe not.  Maybe they aren’t scared at all. Many of their parents probably voted for Trump.  Maybe they’re okay with the prospect of their kids’ classmates being deported.  

Look, no one for one second believes some meager gift cards will address the issues this country is about to face, but providing free Thanksgiving dinners or $35 of free groceries to kids who need it is the kind, decent, human thing to do.  It's also a big ol' eff you to the folks on the other side.  


from Food4Less or Ralphs


2120 Rockford Rd
Los Angeles, 90039

DEADLINE: Thurs, November 21

Email Francine at

November 20

Safe Parking LA Holiday Drive

November 24

Sunday Lunch Drive